1000 Boost

Another Surprise from our Blog We will Give 1000 Boost Code!
Please Read "Who will win the code?" and "Update" at the Bottom of Page

20th May: Our Facebook page reached to 1.7k likes so it is so close to 2k likes.

When it and others reach 2k, we will share a 1000 Boost code here.

Share our blog address "free-nfsw.blogspot.com" in your motto
and share it with your friends to reach our target faster.

If you see buttons like below
please click them

Then you will see them like below
which means you support us

What are these 6 buttons?

Like (1.7k) button shows our Facebook page's likes at http://www.facebook.com/free.nfsw and it has the highest value because it is our starting point. Also all buttons were added here lately even some of them were added today, 20th May.

Recommed (14) button shows our blog's recommendations and it helps us to get better rank in Bing search results and in other ones.

Tweet (5) button shows tweets which include our blog address and you can share our blog with your friends by clicking it.

Follow @FreeNFSW button helps you follow us at http://twitter.com/FreeNFSW and you could see our followers amount (97) by clicking it.

Follow button helps you follow our Google+ page at https://plus.google.com/110674036043809682160 and you can see our followers amount (60) by clicking "We're on g+".

g +1 (3) button shows our blog's +1s and it helps us to get better rank in Google search results and in other ones.

Who will win the code?

When all 6 buttons have 2k clicks, our event starts. We will drive and race in NFS World at least an hour everyday until we see a driver who has added "free-nfsw.blogspot.com" to his/her motto and (s)he will get the 1000 boost code.

Update: 5 buttons are left to give a 1000 boost code.

Current stats: Like: 2k, Recommend: 91, Tweet: 52, Followers: 169, g +1: 20, +1: 106

11st June: Our Facebook page has reached to 2k likes and to celebrate it we will give a 8000 boost code. It starts now and more info is available here.

10th July: The winner of 8000 SpeedBoost is here.
Remember we still need more click on 5 buttons to start the event for 1000 boost code.
Currently, Like: 2.7k, Recommend: 262, Tweet: 159, Followers: 399, g +1: 99, +1: 236


  1. Replies
    1. You may read update and who will win code in the above.

  2. you upgrade few missing likes to achieve than expected in each blog ¿true?

  3. so when all buttons show 2000 you'll give the code? because this seems rather impossible there are only 111 tweets...it'll take at least a year to get to 2k.

    1. There were +60 Tweets in the last 10 days so it does not seem impossible to get 2k.

  4. so G+ and twitter needs 2000 as well ? who the hell still uses twitter ?! that was like a fling... i guess i have to set up an account just for this

  5. whats the code for 1000 speed boost plz tell me

    1. As the 2nd part of title says
      > Please Read "Who will win the code?"

  6. I have done, where is the 1000 boost?
    And thanks!:)

  7. code??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????:

  8. I put like in the pages and follow in twitter. and i put in my motto "free-nfsw.blogspot.com", but i want the boost code please. 

    or i have to give you my driver name??

  9. when you give us the code for SpeedBoost?

    1. "When all 6 buttons have 2k clicks, our event starts."

  10. you 'l never get the code be sure

  11. whether it be a new code speed boost around 3500-8000 please it means a lot to me and thank you send me the new codes: billiejean233@gmail.com whether around 3500-8000

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